
We are very happy to announce the launch of the Proceedings of the Annual NEAR Conference. Starting with our 11th annual conference in June 2019, all NEAR presenters are invited to submit to our annual peer-reviewed collection. 

Submission Guidelines

As a non-commercial presenter at the annual NEAR Conference, you are cordially invited to submit a paper based on your presentation for publication in the official Proceedings of the Annual NEAR Conference. In the same way that your presentation was vetted prior to the conference, your conference paper will also be subjected to peer review. Papers submitted to the proceedings must not have been published elsewhere or be under consideration for publication elsewhere.

Before submitting a paper, please read these guidelines carefully.


Papers are to be written in English or Japanese. Papers must include abstracts in both English and Japanese.



The proceedings will be published online only.



Submissions can be made at any time within two (2) calendar months of the date of the annual conference.  Submissions after that date will not be considered. Papers should be submitted as email attachments sent to the attention of the proceeding editor to


Selection and Editing Procedure

Once a paper has been received, it will be given an initial review by the editors. The editors do not accept papers needing large amounts of editing or re-formatting. Each paper that is judged as being suitable for possible publication is sent out for blind peer review. Once the reading process is complete, all authors will be contacted about the status of their papers. General feedback and specific recommendations will be available at this time. Papers that are positively reviewed will be assigned a content editor to work with the author on any editing, rewriting, or correction recommended by the reviewers. Following this, the paper will be resubmitted and the editors will make the final selection of papers that are of a publishable standard. Major factors in successfully completing the selection process include adherence to submission guidelines as well as clarity and appropriateness for the intended audience.


Conditions for Inclusion

Only authors who actually presented at the conference are eligible to submit a paper to proceedings. The editors will not publish papers promoting a commercial product or service. A given presenter may only submit one paper, whether individually or coauthored. Only one paper may be submitted for each presentation.


Submission of Materials

 Please note that incomplete submissions (e.g., lacking translated abstracts or necessary graphics), incorrectly formatted submissions, or excessively long papers will NOT be considered for inclusion. For all submissions, prepare the following materials:

Note: In all cases, it is the responsibility of the writer(s) to provide an accurate translation of the abstract. NEAR does not provide translation services. Papers will not be considered for inclusion if they do not have accurate bilingual abstracts at the time of submission.


Article Word Length

The main body of the paper (which includes the tables, graphs, endnotes, references, and all text in the main body of the paper) must be between 2500 and 4000 words. There is a separate word length for the title (up to 10 words), for the abstract (up to 150 words for the English abstract and up to 400 characters for the Japanese abstract), for the bio data (up to 75 words for each writer), and for any appendices (no more than one-third the length of the main body of the paper).


Manuscript Guidelines

NEAR uses the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, latest edition, as a style guide. The paper and the reference lists should be formatted according to the APA 7th edition. Authors must add digital object identifiers (DOIs) to all references that have them.

Proceedings of the Annual NEAR Conference

Published by JALT Niigata (Niigata, Japan)

ISSN: 2434-6160